Posted by: fnord_Score: 7.00
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 9:16AM0 Comments Link
<Xplosiv> somebody need to upload lots of shit.
<Xplosiv> pr0n
<fnord_> a multi-billion dollar IP network infrastructure and it's being used to transfer
pictures of naked women
<Trolan> so what's wrong with that?
<fnord_> it's an indicator that something's wrong with people :P
<Xplosiv> somebody need to upload some pr0n and saturate my connection
<Xplosiv> transfer more naked women
<fnord_> but then chris is a living example of that
<Xplosiv> transfer more naked women
<Xplosiv> transfer more naked women
<Xplosiv> transfer more naked women
<Xplosiv> h0 bag